With powerful tools present in the software suite, SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD solutions is the perfect 3D design & modelling software for converting your design ideas into efficient products. It also includes packages required for Design, Simulation, Manufacturability checks, CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing), Cost Estimation and Data management.

3DEXPERIENCE Works is a product development environment over the cloud, where the users and teams can collaborate and innovate throughout the design life-cycle from design and manufacturing to marketing and service.

DraftSight is a feature rich 2D and 3D design environment primarily apt for but not limited to engineers (mechanical, civil, electrical), architects, educators and hobbyists. Create, markup or edit the most basic 2D drawings to complex building layouts, electrical layouts, and 3D modeling using DraftSight.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation simulates and tests the products virtually with real world insights in order to ensure the quality and performance of products before physically manufacturing them. It can provide reliable and accurate results from basic linear static analysis to more complex nonlinear and dynamic analysis.

Flow Simulation
SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation focusses on the Computational Flow Dynamics (CFD) of liquids and gases. It provides dynamic feedback on the fluid flow and thermal performance of the designed products.

SOLIDWORKS Plastics simulates the flow of the plastic melt into mold cavities and helps in validating and optimizing the product designs to predict and avoid manufacturing defects.

SOLIDWORKS Electrical is used to create electrical schematics quickly and accurately with a variety of customizable design tools that simplify the design processes of embedded electrical systems. It can be linked to 3D SOLIDWORKS mechanical environment which enables to automatically route and get the lengths of wires, cables, and harnesses.

SOLIDWORKS provides the tools, resources and support to like Students, Researchers and Educators to assist with their CAD designing experience. With the right environment to learn, understand and apply their CAD skills, SOLIDWORKS helps the members of the Academia to prepare for careers where such skills are in high demand.

Repurpose 3D engineering models with SOLIDWORKS Composer for creating graphical content to explain processes and procedures in technical communication. Create technical documentation along with product development.

SOLIDWORKS Inspection automates the ballooning of engineering drawings and 3D files with Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI). It automatically captures inspection dimensions and also creates industry-standard inspection reports.

SOLIDWORKS Visualize is used to render photo-quality content in the fastest and easiest way, from images to animations, interactive web content, and immersive Virtual Reality.

SOLIDWORKS Model Based Definition (MBD) is an integrated drawingless manufacturing solution for SOLIDWORKS that helps define, organize, and publish 3D Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) in industry-standard file formats.

SOLIDWORKS eDrawings allows designers to communicate and collaborate on 2D and 3D designs. Virtual product evaluations can be done by design teams and customers with the in-built Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) capabilities.

HVAC Applications Module
The HVAC Applications Module includes the functionalities required for modeling complex heating, ventilation, and cooling systems. It provides additional capabilities for simulation of radiations and pollutants.

Electronics Cooling Module
The Electronics Cooling Module (ECM) is available as an add-on for SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation and provides additional materials and material models that are specific to circuit board and PCB enclosure analysis. It evaluates thermal properties and cooling requirements for standard components.