SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional

About SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional
SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional adds on to SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard with tools to optimize design, determine product mechanical resistance, product durability, topology, natural frequencies, test heat transfer and buckling instabilities and perform sequential multi-physics simulations.
Features of SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional
SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional contains all the features of SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard along with
- Structural Analysis – Improve designs based on structural, motion, or geometric criteria.
- Buckling Analysis – Evaluate the Buckling strength of a design with and without environmental loads to prevent Buckling failures.
- Thermal Analysis – Analyze how the thermal conditions affect the stress and displacement in a part or assembly based on the heat transfer within the parts and the environment.
- Topology – Generate the ideal shape for the component to meet the given stiffness, weight and frequency requirements
- Pressure Vessel Analysis – Combine various load scenarios to design Pressure Vessels based in the results of static studies.
- Drop Test – Determine how a drop impact affects the design of the component based on the impact surface, height, velocity, and angle of the drop.
Benefits Of SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional
SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional contains all the benefits of SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard along with
- Optimum Insights – Simulate the product prototypes before manufacturing them to obtain real world like insights.
- Decrease Development Costs – Testing the products virtually significantly reduce the prototyping and manufacturing costs.
- Product Efficiency – By reiterating the designs based on the data obtained by simulations and analysis, the products are optimized for the best performance.
- Gain access to an extensive materials database with metal properties and fatigue curves.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard
SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard is an intuitive virtual testing environment for static linear, time-based motion, and high-cycle fatigue simulation. It delivers a concurrent engineering approach helping with the product performance and durability.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium
SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium includes all of the capabilities of SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional along with additional features to evaluate nonlinear and dynamic response, dynamic loading, and composite materials. It includes three advanced studies - Non-Linear Static, Non-Linear Dynamic, and Linear Dynamics.